Our Exhibits

These are just some of our exhibits in the museum, with more being created by our team of volunteers..

Early years of flight..

Telling the story of how the Isle of Wight was home to budding aviators in the early 19th century..

Project leader on the Early Years Display: John Kenyon

The Holleyman Shed..

Step inside our recreation of Richard Holleymans shed and see his amazing collection of artifacts built up over several decades..

Holleyman shed
Project leaders on Holleyman Shed: Richard and Wendy Holleyman

Beagle Bulldog..

Our Beagle Bulldog, part of the Richard Holleymen Collection as been skillfully adapted by museum volunteer Dave, so that visitors can use the latest in VR technology take control and fly the Beagle around the Isle of Wight, all whilst keeping their feet firmly on the ground.

WW2 Crash Sites..

Learn about how the Island was at the very center of the action over the skies of Britain during World War 2 and read about the moving stories of the brave pilots who helped to win the war..

WW2 crash sites
Project leader on WW2 Crash Sites: Pete

WW2 Plane spotting.. could you tell friend from foe..

This great exhibit, part of the Holleyman Collection, allows you to try your hand at recognising a range of fighter and bomber aircraft from the 2nd World War.

WW2 Plane Spotting
Project leader on WW2 plane spotting: Richard Holleyman

The Spitfire..

See how this iconic 2nd World War fighter plane was built and learn how new parts are still being manufactured today by Air frame Assemblies Ltd.

Project leader on Spitfire: Derek

Princess Flying Boat..

Learn about the Worlds biggest flying boat built on the Island in the 1950’s and see our giant model of this incredible aircraft..

Princess model kindly loaned by George.

VR Flight Simulator..

Take to the skies with our flight simulator in our wheel chair friendly cockpit using either the VR headset or video screen.

*Please note: VR headset is not suitable for those aged under 12 years or persons with vision related health conditions.

Project leader on VR and Flight Sims: Dave

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