The Wight Aviation Museum

Review of 2023

2023 has been a very busy and successful year for the Wight Aviation Museum with a full season of operation with the museum open for visitors from April, when the High Sheriff, Kay Marriott, formally “Opened the Museum” in the Spring which stayed open until the end of October.
Many of our ongoing projects have continued and have been further developed throughout the year and new projects added.

The WAM Schools & Education Project

During 2023 the WAM Schools & Education Project has been further developed to make it more applicable to the National Curriculum at KS1 & KS2. The WAM Education Team began the year in February 2023 with a visit to Broadlea Primary School to do a day on “Rockets”.

Then throughout the Spring and Summer terms we have had a number of schools visit the museum for workshop sessions on Rockets, Flight, and Forces. These schools included Barton, Newchurch and Broadlea.

The CC7 Cushion Craft Restoration

2023 has seen the continuation of the restoration work on the CC7 Cushion Craft and the big news on this project is that the Cushion Craft has now been moved to a new, purpose built work and display area at the other end of “the green” right opposite to the main entrance to the museum.

An update on the CC7 restoration can be found by clicking on the link below:

CC7 Project Update – 2023 – Wight Aviation Museum

The Spitfire Project

A large hand built 1/5th scale model of a Mk9 Spitfire was donated to the museum by Geoffrey Hall from Seaview. This has now been developed into wonderful display about the “Anatomy and Development” of the world famous Spitfire aircraft.

It includes many smaller models of different Marks and Variants of Spitfire and “an Old and New” fuselage “Frame 11” part constructed and donated by Airframe Assemblies, who have a factory on the other side of the airport.

The Spartan Project

A major NEW project which began in 2023 is the “Spartan Project” where WAM is planning to bring the last example of a 3 seater Simmons Spartan aircraft, which was built in Sommerton Works, Cowes in 1933, which is currently in New Zealand. The current owner of ZK-ARH is Rod Hall-Jones, a renowned helicopter pilot who worked extensively with Jacques Cousteau operating a flying film ship for his TV series. He
purchased the badly damaged aircraft in 1994 and spent 11 years restoring it to flying condition with it’s Its original Cirrus Hermes Engine being rebuilt in 2005.

A Spartan Project Team are now well underway with strategic planning and fundraising to bring this aircraft to WIGHT AVIATION MUSEUM which is the rightful retirement home for this Spartan.

A special VIP visitor Ken Ellis from FlyPast magazine.

In July the Wight Aviation Museum Team had the great pleasure to welcome a well known and highly respected “Aircraft Preservation Guru”, avid Historian, Renowned Author & Magazine Editor, Ken Ellis.

Former editor for many years of the well known “Flypast” magazine, he is author of the bi-annual “Wrecks and Relics” first published in 1961, now in its 28th edition and is regarded by aviation enthusiasts and the aircraft preservation community as its “bible.” Ken was shown around the museum by members of the WAM Team and was very impressed with what the WAM Team have achieved in just a few years. There is a great article written by Ken, about WAM, in the January 2024 “FlyPast” which is out now.

Ken pictured 4th from left in the light green shirt with some of the WAM volunteers.


Another “ShedFest” event is being planned for next Summer on 29th and 30th June which it is hoped will be as successful as the last one and will bring together all the various Men In Sheds groups to showcase their varied activities across the Island and recruit new members.

WAM Volunteers

The WAM Team of volunteers have been very busy during these “off season” months (while the museum is closed to the public) working hard to repair and build new exhibits and displays to be ready for next Spring when we will again open to the public for the “2024 Season”. Of course we are always looking for new volunteers both for the construction and development work but also as museum visitor guides in the new year when we re-open in early April 2024.

To help with this WAM will have a stand at the Island Volunteer Fair on Saturday 20th January at Riverside, Newport from 11am-3pm.
This will be a chance to talk to over 40 organisations from across the Isle of Wight, who are looking for volunteers.

If you live on the Isle of Wight and are looking for a fun activity to do, you can contact us by texting or leaving a voice message on: 07949 704052 or by emailing:

GKN Team Day at the Wight Aviation Museum

We were delighted to host GKN Aerospace “Europe Defence Group”, for a team day event where 30+ Staff attended from across their UK sites.

The group took part in range of aviation themed activities to strengthen team working as well as enjoyed a VR flight over the Isle of Wight in our Bull Dog flight simulator.

If you would like to book the museum for a unique team day experience please by text or leave a voice message by calling: 07949 704052 or by emailing:

The Ops Room

The “Ops Room” has continued to prove its worth throughout the year as a venue for a variety of activities. Regular monthly users are the “Veterans” who hold their monthly meetings there. It’s frequently used by the Airport Tower Group as a “Radio Training” room.

If you would like to book the Ops room please text or leave a voice message on: 07949 704052 or by emailing:

And finally..

Potentially some very BIG news! As you may well know the number of exhibits and the layout of the museum has been constrained by amount of space in the hanger we have at the moment.

However discussions are in place with regard to increasing our exhibition space and we are working on a proposal for WAM to expand, enabling us to put more of our collection on display.